>>>> Thursday May 30, 2024 <<<<
4:00 - 5:30 PM, The Kirby Hotel, 294 W Center Street, Douglas
The celebrations kick off with an enlightening LGBTQ+ Political Update/Speakers session from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Join us for insightful discussions featuring speakers from the Allegan County Community Foundation, Equality Michigan and Stand with Trans, shedding light on LGBTQ+ rights and the implementation of Pride projects. We’ll hear from a representative of U.S. Senator Gary Peters’ Western Michigan office in this important election year. And Lakeshore Community Chorus will provide musical selections.
4:00 - 5:30 PM, The Kirby Hotel, 294 W Center Street, Douglas
The celebrations kick off with an enlightening LGBTQ+ Political Update/Speakers session from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Join us for insightful discussions featuring speakers from the Allegan County Community Foundation, Equality Michigan and Stand with Trans, shedding light on LGBTQ+ rights and the implementation of Pride projects. We’ll hear from a representative of U.S. Senator Gary Peters’ Western Michigan office in this important election year. And Lakeshore Community Chorus will provide musical selections.